They last approximately 3/4-1hour, you provide a case history and we agree on what would be the focus of the treatment.

This does not replace any treatment which is supplied by the doctor but can work alongside any therapeutic work which you are receiving.


This work can also be carried out long-distance as long as a name address and telephone number is provided.


Consent must be given by the client.


A consultation and treatment is £20

What is Energy Work???


How does it work?  What a load of rubbish?  No such thing? How can it help?


Well according to Quantum Physics there is an energy mass that affects every molecule of a substance whether living or not......


What we are talking about with any vibrational energy is something which the naked eye cannot see.  You cannot see electricity until you put the light on, then you know it is there.  The energy dimension is so subtle with a light and quick vibration, that it can take years to detect with the human senses, but it is present in a dimension of consciousness. 


A definition of 'dimension of consciousness', is that it is a realm of the unseen worlds that we humans can identify and experience through qualities, characteristics, or traits.  For example, the dream state is a dimension of consciousness containing different levels of sleep activity that humans can identify and experience.  Other dimensions of consciousness can be identified as different 'regions' of the mind - the conscious and subconscious, the zone of memory, areas of musical or mathematical abilities - and areas of the brain that govern our physical capabilities.  Still other dimensions of consciousness are the different states of relaxation that are measurable by brain activity.  What all these dimensions of consciousness have in common is that, although they are unseen, we know they exist!!

During the session the practitioner is just a channel, a bridge whereby the Angelic Kingdom is passed to the patient.  Every healing is perfect for the patient in it's concept and transmission.  As has been proven, we all have an Electromagnetic field within and around us.  When this electromagnetic field becomes blocked it can cause the energy meridians to shutdown or shift in a way that creates symptoms on a physical level.  Angelic Reiki as like other energy systems can rebalance and re-address these blockages thereby bringing the physical system back into stability.  The energy from this system is very powerful as has been demonstrated on numerous occassions with a variety of clients presenting with different problems. 


Example, 81 year old lady presenting with extreme water retention in both legs;- The treatment lasted approx 3/4 hour, using the energy to clear blockages on an emotional level and assisting the Kidneys to return to normal function.  Within 5 hours her son had reported a significant reduction in swelling and inflammation of the skin.
















Some people just know that there is something more than what we see, the Angelic Reiki training allows you to grow spiritually as well as heal and bring closure to problems in your life or from past lives.  It uplifts the spirit and gives you a stronger connection to the other dimensions and gives you the opportunity to live a more  fulfilling life.


Workshops available throughout Northumberland, Scottish Borders and Edinburgh.


1. Angelic Reiki 1 & 2. (Cost £252)

This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki and is taught over two and a half days. Students are attuned to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and a number of treatment methods are taught. The student gains 'hands on' experience in the healing methodology and learns how to attune healing tools.

The attunements - which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis - incorporate Reiki symbols attunded through the Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.

This workshop gifts you with:

  • A complete karma cutting and Angelic clearing prior to each attunement
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree levels
  • The 7 symbols given are activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron
  • Hands on healing experience of channelling Angelic healing energy, third eye healing, healing with Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers and Multidimensional and Past Life healing.
  • Guidance re self healing, absent/distance healing, treating pregnant women, children and animals
  • Advice on healing treatment practicalities
  • Techniques to attune healing tools
  • A Master Crystal to hold the Angelic Codes of Healing
  • A comprehensive practitioners manual
  • Certificate of training achievement to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki

As a healer working with Angels in this way, you offer a wonderful service to yourself, humanity and the planet.


2. Angelic Reiki 3 & 4. (Cost £450)

This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki.

This workshop is taught over three full days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine within and participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. It places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters they truly are.

This workshop gifts participants with:

  • Revisiting healing techniques taught in the level 1&2 workshop
  • Opportunities to share healing experiences
  • Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis
  • Healing with Soul Group energies
  • Healing with energies of the Divine Presence and Divine Blessing
  • 13 symbols which are a gateway to multidimensional healing, activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree levels
  • Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom
  • Healing practice sessions
  • Advice on how to teach Angelic Reiki workshops and to facilitate Angelic Reiki attunements
  • A comprehensive Master Teacher manual
  • Certificate of training achievement to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki

As Angelic Reiki teachers, participants can be assured that the Angels will be present at every workshop they teach. They can be confident that they will be supported by Angels whenever they facilitate attunements.

A special part of teaching this system to others involves participation in healing practice sessions. It is through these sessions that many questions are asked and answered and the techniques themselves are given and explained.